(Water) - Writing and Virtual Creations


Comic Book Publishing  - Steve runs the company “Catseye Comics.”  Catseye Comics is a charity funding comic that uses 3d computer graphics to  create graphic novels that teach heroism.  These virtually created comics show readers of all ages what it means to be a hero.

3D Computer Graphics - Steve teaches youth and college level courses on how to create 3D graphics, models & artwork with publicly accessible internet tools.  

Computer Generated Videos - He also teaches how to animate objects and figures to create videos. 

E-Publishing - Steve Teaches classes on  e-publishing at a local college/  He shows how to publish a book on the popular e-book sites and how to self publish paperback books. 

Storytelling - Steve is an internationally published writer and storyteller.  He often does educational storytelling presentations with his programs 

Writing - Steve has several books out under his own name and several pen names.  He puts his writing in his company “Virtual Reflections”  name and has it for sale one Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, and several other locations.Steve has over a dozen books currently in print.